i7 9700 / intel HD 630 no iGPU

Hello all. I cant have the iGPU funtional, on "about this mac" graphics said: Screen 33MB. on system info/graphics shows the dedicated GPU info (slot: PCIe, NVIDIA, etc). (a gtx 1660 super, with -wenoegpu on the boot args).

in my info.plist i put this on device propierties:


AAPL,ig-platform-id - 07009B3E

framebuffer-patch-enable - 01000000

framebuffer-stolenmem - 00003001

On my bios (Gigabyte B365M-DS3H) i put the option "internal graphics" on auto, if i select Enabled, doesnt pass the apple logo on boot (memory allocation 64mb, total memory size max, but same with the preset) . Same if select IGFX on "initial display output", doesnt pass the black logo screen. i need put all of this off, and i can boot but with the dGPU only.

boot args: -wegnoegpu alcid=1 -no_compat_check igfxagdc=0

Without the iGPU funtional and no acceleration, is very laggy and unusable. Please, help me find how fix that!

submitted by /u/Emecede
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