i5-12600k B660M and GTX 1070 DDR5 stuck on SmcReadValue Key 4D534163 Size 2

I am trying to install High Sierra using my i5-12600k and 1070. I've followed the comet lake opencore guide along with https://chriswayg.gitbook.io/opencore-visual-beginners-guide/advanced-topics/using-alder-lake for Alder Lake specific tweaks. I've tried looking up the error and troubleshooting, but I am still stuck on the same error.

I am using iMac1,1 for the gensmbios

enabling & disabling devirtualizemmio does nothing.

I've enabled enablewriteunprotector

these are my boot-args: -v keepsyms=1 -wegnoigpu debug=0x100

Any help?

submitted by /u/Objective-Abroad-708
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