How to find the r/hackintosh Sidebar on a mobile. New users please read this before posting from a smartphone!

How to find the r/hackintosh Sidebar on a mobile. New users please read this before posting from a smartphone!

One thing the official Reddit mobile app has de-emphasized is how to find the subreddit sidebar, where a lot of important guides, the sub rules and FAQ, posting guidelines, and useful links (Discord, etc.) can be found. - Here's a brief guide on how to find the sub sidebar for those who only view Reddit via the official mobile app. (The sidebar is easily seen on Reddit on desktop.)

To read the sidebar on a mobile device click on r/hackintosh to get to the subreddit startpage, then drag to slide down to reveal the full subreddit title with the partial description. Then click on the See more link below the description to see the full "sidebar", which is the About page of this subreddit.

You may refer new users to this post, if you notice that they have not read the sidebar. Hopefully mobile users will create better posts from now on, and we will see a decrease of low effort posts from new r/hackintosh members :-)

Hackintosh Subreddit Startpage on mobile

Hackintosh startpage with partial description

Sidebar/About page on mobile

On the desktop the sidebar starts like this:

Note: this was tested on a recent iOS 17 device with the current Reddit version 2024.24.0. If you see something quite different on your mobile device, please comment below.

submitted by /u/ChrisWayg
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