Can't shutdown after updating to Sonoma 14.5

Hey everyone!

Updated to Sonoma 14.5 today on my Hackintosh and now when I wanna shutdown the system just freezes. Out of 6 attempts to shutdown it only managed to shutdown correctly twice. Booting and running the system seems perfectly fine.

System: Intel DH77KC, i7 3770K, 16 GB RAM AMD Radeon RX480

It ran perfectly fine with 14.4 with full acceleration.

Updated OC from 0.9.3 to 1.0.0 but it made no difference. Verbose doesn't help because it freezes before the verbose screen comes on during showdown.

However, directly after the setup (which I do with verbose because I also have to disable GPU) I had a freeze with shutdown and it said something about not being able to disconnect from debugger or something. I unfortunately didn't take a photo of the message but maybe it appears again.

Anyone having an idea what 14.5 changed?

submitted by /u/HanniLiger
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