Bye hackintosh

I loved Hackintosh while it was working, even though it was not easy to set up. But later on, most people finally get it working.

However, the OS update requires another level that I don't have, and I finally failed after days of trying. All of my software, plugins, and data are gone.

I had no choice to back up because I was already on the non-working, non-supported version of the OS, which all other apps finally stopped supporting me. I didn't want to risk losing access by updating macOS, so basically, I was at the maximum support period the OS and app allowed me to stay on Catalina. So I had no choice but to update the OS without professional knowledge. 😅

You know there are many hackintosh installation methods and sample files are available on certain machines by many users, but the updating process is not.

By the way, I also have a MacBook, and my MacBook Pro is on the latest supported OS as well, which is Monterey. However, support for Monterey will end this year. I will essentially face the same issue as my Hackintosh desktop later, or at least I hate this hassle and stress already.

After being an Apple fanboy for a decade, I'm going back to Windows 11.

I recently got into the 4K graphics journey, and I love how Windows 11 natively supports those above 120 Hz level monitors and native HDR and VRR perfectly. I can't go back to 60Hz now since I experienced Windows 11 at 144Hz.

And I saw the new terminal app they designed. As I'm the terminal guy, the terminal was the main reason I was so into Mac or Linux. And I (or we) used to look down on Microsoft for lacking a terminal decade ago.

Windows 11 gets my vote now. They don't get viruses anymore. (We used to laugh about it right?)

By the way, I do love my 4K 144Hz monitor, and recording 4K 60fps is fun on my 12-year-old workstation, which my Hackintosh (apple) couldn't support.

Converted hackintosh back to Windows 11 and I got every softwares back up to date.

And I hated that my 2016 MacBook Pro that I bought for $3500 brand new depreciated to $200 now. 😑 Time flew so fast, and I didn't even know it's been eight years already. I will not spend money on a MacBook Pro anymore. It was a good lesson.

Anyway, I was so proud of being a Mac/Linux guy. I came from being a Windows 7 user, but after a decade, I now work and spend time on Windows 11 way more than my MacBook Pro.

submitted by /u/HamsterOk3112
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