Anyone have a hackintosh and m chip macbook? What differences have you noticed?

I always liked macos and so I built a hackintosh PC. Here are some differences that I found using a hackintosh vs a intel and m chip macbook.

I have a 6700 AMD, 32gb ram storage and 2 tb storage PC:

Android official transfer App doesn't recognize my phone vs native macos does

Even if you have over spec pc things just run more smoother on native macos. Example: Zoom scrolling google maps in and and out is still choppy on my hackintosh

I get random glitches like when I was on a zoom interview, my hackintosh froze on me...

Some app functions just act funny and don't work as intended vs native macos I haven't had any issues

What are somethings you guys noticed running a hackintosh vs using a regular mac or macbook especially the new m chip?

submitted by /u/swiggyu
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