Hi, I have a pretty stable setup finally, using on board wifi, ethernet, no addon cards. Hoping to test TB later, for now no devices, but I have it enabled and appearing in mac Info under Thunderbolt. I know TB relates to USB, and can be problematic, but I am pretty sure my issue is not USB related or TB. Not sure about BT.
I had a couple unexpected crashes when waking from sleep.
One happened yesterday at 17:25
I see in Diagnostics Report
"Sleep Wake failure in EFI"
It contains
Sleep Wake failure in EFI
Failure code:: 0x00000000 0x0000001f
Please IGNORE the below stackshot
Date/Time: 2024-06-10 17:25:20.155 +0300
OS Version: ??? ??? (Build ???)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 49
Incident Identifier: 257436F2-BAED-4184-BA53-45838A4FEFDB
Data Source: Stackshots
Shared Cache: B48CFC6B-B7ED-3343-97FB-F5187DC04DF8 slid base address 0x7ff806625000, slide 0x6625000 (System Primary)
Shared Cache: 5A0EA353-00B3-3636-BAD5-BEE77BD6883D slid base address 0x7ff80b9a6000, slide 0xb9a6000 (DriverKit)
Event: Sleep Wake Failure
Duration: 0.00s
Steps: 1
Boot args: -v keepsyms=1 watchdog=0 debug=0x100 alcid=13 agdpmod=pikera -wegnoigpu -ctrsmt
Time Awake Since Boot: 25s
Process: swd [374]
Shared Cache: B48CFC6B-B7ED-3343-97FB-F5187DC04DF8 slid base address 0x7ff806625000, slide 0x6625000 (System Primary)
Architecture: x86_64
Footprint: 616 KB
Time Since Fork: 0s
Num samples: 1 (1)
Num threads: 1
Thread 0xadb 1 sample (1) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
If I go into activity log at 17:25 I see process powerd and message
com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.sleepwake.failure
com.apple.message.signature3: Sleep
com.apple.message.signature: EFI/Bootrom Failure after last point of entry to sleep
com.apple.message.value: 15
com.apple.message.summarize: NO
There is nothing under Crash Reports for this date. Here https://www.hackintosh-forum.de/forum/thread/53915-problem-mit-ruhezustand/ there is talk (in German) about RTCFixup kext maybe being needed, but I understand it involves very time consuming procedure to try and find the trouble memory regions. Even though nothing outright says it is related. Or?
SYMBIOS is 1,1. Settings fairly typical in my config. But maybe something to look out for?

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