AMD Athlon 3000G EFI

Hello ! So, I want to install MacOs on my desktop, and I need an EFI folder for my CPU. I went to the forbiden website (EFI section) - (The website is 0..............i1a)

And I saw the amd section, but Athlon wasn’t included… Can I still use it ? If not, can someone send one to me ? (If you have it) I know that i should use dortania's guide, but there is to much things to do, and I already tried to, it is too long, and if there is one already made, it's better haha ! And also because the ACPI section is too hard :(

Oh, and just behind the amd link, it says that I need to put numbers depending of my cores count, but only have 2, and the website only says for 4 and above… What do I need to put ?

My PC :

  • CPU : AMD Athlon 3000G
  • GPU : ASUS Radeon RX 550
  • Motherboard : A320M-A-PRO
submitted by /u/Louis221110
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