What do you think about Hackintosh on R3 2200G With Vega 8 IGPU and no graphics card??

So I have been hackintoshing my PC with no external GPUs (like RX or Nvidia) & R3 2200G unsuccessfully. I am saying this after complete 3 calendar days and today's half day also.

I have tried clover with high sierra in the past but at that time, I was just a 16 yrs/o kid. I have got a successful installation of the hackintosh despite not knowing any of the details of its working. That was the time clover was at peak and the OpenCore was getting started to be popular (it's surprising how all of the YT tutorials are now filled with opencore only to an extent that I am not able to find those videos that I have followed in the past for this clover build). I successfully installed the High Sierra but after that I faced too many problems with graphics and performance that I could barely even work on that. The blur element that I love in the MacOS was not even working. I didn't new about NootedRed at that time (may it didn't even existed, idk) so out of frustration I wiped off everything & went back to windows.

Now I am 21, it's been almost 5 years now, a lot of things has changed except my PC with the following specs:

A320m-h, Ryzen 3 2200G (Vega 8 IGPU), 16GB RAM, a bunch of SSDs (earlier it was a single HDD, so the high sierra performance was pretty bad too despite graphics being shady)

Now, I am on the same realm to install it but, uk..., no success :(

My question is

Do you think it's actually possible to hackintosh my setup at all?

Having no external GPU is the biggest limitation with my CPU being an APU with Radeon VEGA 8 graphics which is causing clover based installation to get stuck at "12 minutes remaining" saying that it's having a hard time unmounting the drives and blah blah.

Please let me know your views! I am thinking to go back to clover based high sierra installation but sadly it's also stuck at some weird step.

If it's not possible, I won't proceed, so your each and every answer will be my deciding factor whether I will be wanting to grind more or not. Your answers matter a lot!!

submitted by /u/Current_Archer7190
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