The install guide is a disaster

I know my PC inside and out, I built it. I’m “tech savvy” or “tech literate” or whatever stupid term. I know my way around a technical document let alone a simple install guide.

However, Dortania's OpenCore Install Guide is a mess. There’s no logical order between pages even though the author attempts to create the illusion that there is. The content of the guide has you bouncing around pages out of order as you attempt to set up your config or EFI. It has you going to the end of the guide, beginning of guide, end of guide, middle of guide, bouncing all over.

You need 6 or 7 tabs open to piece everything together, and as you follow steps you find out halfway through installing and extracting a zip, placing it in the right location, changing config values, etc. that “oops actually it doesn’t apply to your system so undo everything.” It also has conflicting information. It forces you to read the entirety of each unnecessarily verbose step if you don’t want to add backtracking to this process.

I think the document was produced by an amateur. It comes off as pretentious and long for the sake of being long, with an obnoxious “I’m mr. quirky dweeby talking down to you guy” tone. It honesty reads like a redditor produced it. Like a Mac owner wrote it.

It isn’t helpful. If it was helpful, the author(s) wouldn’t have lumped all possible system scenarios into a massive jumbled “generalized” mess. They would’ve written separate guides that are concise, single-page instructions with 1 master zip of needed EFI files (or the EFI itself) to remove any ambiguity. Or if they weren’t lazy, they could’ve made an extremely simple program to allow a user to input their specs/hw and set parameters to reliably output a proper config for instance.

The author is a clown, and OpenCore sucks.

submitted by /u/OutrageousTaters
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