SSDT's : Pre-built vs SSDTTime vs Report generated

Morning All. In ^&$&FUTZing(^%&$ around with my EFI folder, I have broken my system clock. If I put my machine to sleep at 7pm, and it wake it at 4am, the time will show 7pm. It will eventually, 15 min to an hour later, catch up. Or I manually force it via the command line, or toggle the switch in Date and Time. It is not my CMOS battery, as the time doesn't reset, it just pauses till awoken......and I already replaced it.

I was going to re-dump the SSDT's and wondered which was the best method. I ran SSDTTime in windozes, and got a few files, but not all that was shown in the required list in Getting Started with ACPI. Specifically I am missing SSDT-AWAC.

If you made it this far, I commend you. So, I was which is the best method to dump the SSDT's. I know the Pre-built's are the easiest, but I wanted to do a little work to get it right. Suggestions?

submitted by /u/Rupert_Balderdash
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