Mangled video with iGPU

Mangled video with iGPU

I am hoping someone can help me work through this. I used Dortania's guide to install 10.14 Mojave with OpenCore on an ASUS P8H77-M with an i7 3770k. Everything seems to be working except I can only boot to a usable interface by forcing VESA mode, which leaves me with unaccellerated video at 1024x768. I have tried all of the different framebuffer ids listed on the WhateverGreen GitHub that are for desktops and they all end in the same result: there is video signal but the display is mangled and only takes up the top portion of the monitor. (picture attached). One exception I had in Dortania's guide was it said I should disable CSM in the BIOS. The problem I had was disabling that in the BIOS seemed to leave me with no video display at all, leaving me unable to even get back to the BIOS screen. Any time I enable CSM I have to use the CMOS reset jumpers to get back to a usable state. Please help!

submitted by /u/tecocko
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