Looking for a way to install hackintosh on an old amd computer

I'm doing a project in my IT course and we wanted to make a computer network with windows machines, Linux machines, and a MacOS machine, however we are using old computers provided by the school, running a Ryzen 3 3200g (I'm mentioning it because I saw something about compatibility but couldn't find a list about it) I was able to make my pen-drive readable by Mac, and installed a Mac os version called Big sur, however when I went to boot it like I do with other OS's it went into a black screen and couldn't boot, is it possible for me to run it in this system? And could it be because the C disk wasn't compatible with Mac?

(We don't know a anything about Mac, and we don't know anyone with a Mac computer, it is too expensive in my country and we only want to showcase a network with it, it is just for learning since none of us have ever seen a mac)

submitted by /u/explorerkiil
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