Help Request: Reboots on Installing AMD/Sonoma

Hi. I'm coming back to Hackintosh after a few years away, a few bouts with Covid (including Long Covid) and 4 surgeries. I disclose all that because it's probably important to say that I used to be pretty good with this stuff but have forgotten a lot -- and am politely asking for some assistance.

My system:

Motherboard: MSI B450I Gaming Plus

Processor: AMD 5600X

Ram: 16GB


Harddrive(s): Multiple HDD's, 1 TB NVME SSD (NVME drive previously ran Big Sur)

Installing from a USB installer I made of MacOS 14.5 using the Install macOS Create Install Media tool per apple's website

Opencore: 1.0

More Info:

My Config Plist is here

My current EFI folder looks like this

The last thing that flashes on my screen before rebooting looks like this

What's happening?

The installer boots fine. I can use diskutility to see my hard drives. I choose Install macOS Sonoma and the install begins. The machine reboots. The install continues from the Install MacOS selection in Opencore. The Machine Reboots and Boots from the Install MacOS in Opencore and then that's when I get the red text / red flash on my screen and a reboot. From there the installer/reboot process will continue in a loop unless interrupted. The last thing that flashes on my screen before rebooting looks like this

What Have I tried? The following with no luck, or change in behavior:

--I'm following Dortiana's guide from the sidebar

--I've tried an SMBIOS of an iMac Pro that is what I successfully used in the past with Catalina and Big Sur. I've now changed it to a MacPro7,1 to see if that fixed anything. It didn't.

--Breaking down the Kext's folder to just: AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement.kext, AppleALC.kext, AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext,SMCAMDProcessor.kext,WhateverGreen.kext

--Recreating my Config.plist completely from scratch using the guide only

--Readded the npci=0x2000 to the boot args.

--Resetting the BIOS to default settings and then going through the guide and doing stuff like turning off REBAR and Above 4G.

What's Next?

I'm open to any suggestions and quite lost. Thank you.

submitted by /u/4stringhacked
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