Finally get sonoma working on Intel i5 6500

Install Guide : OCLP

Motherboard : Asrock H110D4-M2

CPU : Intel i5 6500

RAM : Hynix DDR4 2133

SSD : 512GB, (256GB for Windows, 1 EFI partitions for OC, 32GB for Arch Linux, the rest for sonoma)

Install Media : another SSD, created using balenaEtcher

DSDT created using SSDTTIME.

Install Config, USB must be mapped using USBToolBox, if not usb keyboard & mouse will not work, combined with USBInjectAll kexts.

SMMBIOS iMac19,1

Custom Kexts : RealtekRTL8111

boot-args only alcid=11 since it's ALC662

Enable OpenShell on Tools config for editing config.plist

no need to inject framebuffer or spoof iGPU, just add correct device-properties for HDMI audio and iGPU (see 4th photos)

Weird thing VT-D must be enabled on Motherboard setting or wont't boot, SGX disabled


Hardware Accell, Metal, Video Encoder/Decoder, LAN

Not Work:

Safari can't play youtube, seems DRM issue, chrome works just fine. Live wallpaer not moving, LOL

submitted by /u/Best_Fall_9428
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