Can someone help me figure out what I'm supposed to do to fix these errors

I've been working on this EFI for quite some time, but unfortunately after I followed the guide to the best of my ability, I'm getting these errors. I think something is missing because I also get an "OC: configuration requires vault but no vault provided" error when trying to boot as well, and when I try to search the plist, there's no account of any "Vault" string to change to Optional as I've seen potential fixes say to do. I hope I'm not asking for help in the wrong way but can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here, I also don't know how I'm supposed to merge the plist with the ACPI stuff, I tried to use the PatchMerge.bat and it asked for the path to my plist, I didn't know which one but I assumed the one in the EFI, and I selected it and then it loaded it and asked again the same exact thing... I don't know if I even have to do this merge thing if I created the plist after adding the aml files... I'll add a link below to the EFI I'm working on if it helps you help me, and also if it matters, I'm on an AORUS 5 SE4 with an i7-12700H CPU. Using a prebuilt EFI I got much closer to getting MacOS installed, as it actually boots to the OpenCore thingy, and I even cleared the NVRAM, but unfortunately when I tried to install MacOS at that point it gave a bunch of ACPI errors of which I also took a picture of, if anyone wants to help fix that one instead (just let me know and I'll add a link to the picture). I think mine turned out far worse than the prebuilt EFI considering I couldn't even get OpenCore to boot, and I know you guys despise prebuilts but I can't help but feel doing it myself is a way worse idea especially if I have no help. Regardless, I'm asking for help to build it myself anyway... So please take a look and tell me what you think is wrong/missing. Thank you

Broken EFI

OCS: Missing key Delete, context <ACPI>! OCS: Missing key Patch, context <ACPI>! OCS: Missing key Quirks, context <ACPI>! OCS: Missing key Block, context <Kernel>! OCS: Missing key Emulate, context <Kernel>! OCS: Missing key Force, context <Kernel>! OCS: Missing key Patch, context <Kernel>! OCS: Missing key Quirks, context <Kernel>! OCS: Missing key Scheme, context <Kernel>! OCS: Missing key BlessOverride, context <Misc>! OCS: Missing key Boot, context <Misc>! OCS: Missing key Debug, context <Misc>! OCS: Missing key Entries, context <Misc>! OCS: Missing key Security, context <Misc>! OCS: Missing key Serial, context <Misc>! OCS: Missing key APFS, context <UEFI>! OCS: Missing key AppleInput, context <UEFI>! OCS: Missing key Audio, context <UEFI>! OCS: Missing key ConnectDrivers, context <UEFI>! OCS: Missing key Input, context <UEFI>! OCS: Missing key Output, context <UEFI>! OCS: Missing key ProtocolOverrides, context <UEFI>! OCS: Missing key Quirks, context <UEFI>! OCS: Missing key ReservedMemory, context <UEFI>! OCS: Missing key Booter, context <root>! OCS: Missing key DeviceProperties, context <root>! OCS: Missing key NVRAM, context <root>! OCS: Missing key PlatformInfo, context <root>! Serialisation returns 28 errors! Lilu.kext is loaded at Kernel->Add[3], but DisableLinkeditJettison is not enabled at Kernel->Quirks! CheckKernel returns 1 error! HFS+ filesystem driver is loaded at UEFI->Drivers[0], but UEFI->ConnectDrivers is not enabled! UEFI->Output->InitialMode is illegal (Can only be Auto, Text, or Graphics)! UEFI->Output->TextRenderer is illegal (Can only be BuiltinGraphics, BuiltinText, SystemGraphics, SystemText, or SystemGeneric)! CheckUefi returns 3 errors! Completed validating M:\EFI\OC\config.plist in 72 ms. Found 32 issues requiring attention. 
submitted by /u/DidiEdd
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