Apple Music DRM fix help!

My SMBIOS is now on iMac20,1, spec i5-10600k(UHD630) + RX5500xt(will upgrade to 6800xt). System Sonoma 14.4.1

I previous use MacPro1,1(shikigva=128), which worked find on Apple Music lossless, but sidecar never works. Now I switched to iMac20,1(shikigva=80), sidecar works but Apple Music doesn't.

If I use the following command Apple Music lossless will work, but I'll get a crappy sidecar screen.

 defaults write gvaForceAMDKE -boolean yes 

So is there any perfect way that I can use sidecar without crappy resolution + Apple Music lossless + Dobly?

submitted by /u/Mother_Construction2
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