Hi, I am preparing to do s 14700k, Asus z790 creator, red devil 6950 XT build.
Very confused about 6950 XT.
I have read that spoofing isn't needed if symbios 1.1. Also read spoofing is good idea if you also have dual windows boot. And read about NootRX as being a no spoof method but that it is work in progress that does not perform optimizations like whatevergreen.
Saw this
2-3 years old but is this considered the best method now?
Then saw this (somewhat newer than above) about dealing with PCI bridge and not using SSDT-BRG0.dsl.
Read about ssdttime as way to deal with PCI bridge naming.
Read in German forum where this kext is mentioned: AMDRadeonNavi2xExt.kext, but on another site read that this results in video decoding not working.
So... Head is spinning.
Any tips on this day 30 April 2024 that results in highest chances of
- Stability
- Full hardware acceleration
- All video decode/encode functionality
- Working in windows dual boot
- As post Sonoma update proof as possible
- Best possible metal performance
I don't mind in the weeds technical approach if needed. Just trying to figure out what is current ground truth.
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