Request for advice on fine-tuning my first Hack

After some time of trial and error, I finally managed to make my first Hackintosh work (with Wifi, BT etc.). I'm really excited that it seems to be working well, and this week I'm gonna give it a try on my work routine. However, I still face some small issues that I would like to hear from you:


  • i5-13600K
  • RX 6600
  • 32GB RAM
  • Rog Strix B760-A Gaming Wifi D4
  • OC 0.9.8
  • Ventura
  • MacPro7.1

FIRST: I hear some cracking noises from my speakers on analog output (that I don't hear when listening to anything using Windows, or on BT). Probably something related to Realtek driver. Has anyone seen something like that?

SECOND: Windows only boots directly from UEFI, from OpenCore it goes direcly to the blue screen of death. By now, I'm keeping it this way because I intend to use it only as a backup in case the Hack doesn't perform well in my daily use - but would appreciate if there's some hint on that.

THIRD: Although Wi-Fi (Intel) has finally started working, I don't get the same speed that I get on Windows. Could it be anything related to Wi-FI 6 support on the driver? Would I have any better results if I buy a dedicated board in the future?

FOURTH: I've run some Geekbench tests to have some hint on overall performance, and got the following results:

CPU Single Core:

  • ~ 2500 on Windows
  • ~ 1700 on macOS
  • ~ 2400 on macOS with AppleXpcmForceBoost
  • Similar Geekbench setups on Mac: 2500~2800

CPU Multi-core:

  • ~ 11800 on Windows
  • ~ 8000 on macOS
  • ~ 11100 on macOS with AppleXpcmForceBoost
  • Similar Geekbench setups on Mac: 11500~13800


  • ~ 76000 on Windows (OpenCL)
  • ~ 76000 on Windows (Vulkan)
  • ~ 61000 on macOS (OpenCL) - below average: 71.000
  • ~ 111000 on macOS (Metal) - above average - 103.000 (!!!)

My question here is: how (non-)recommendable it is to use AppleXpcmForceBoost? If not recommendable, what should I use instead to maintain my CPU performance at least similar to those results on Windows?

I've tried to turn AppleXpcmForceBoost off and run CPUFriend + CPUFriendDataProvider (my own data and others'), but the results made no difference at all.

Is there anything that I'm missing or doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!!!


Below are some additional info on my setup:


  • AirportItlwm
  • AppleALC
  • AppleIGC
  • BlueToolFixup
  • CpuTopologyRebuild
  • CpuTscSync
  • IntelBluetoothFirmware
  • IntelBTPatcher
  • Lilu
  • NVMeFix
  • RadeonSensor
  • RestrictEvents
  • SMCProcessor
  • SMCRadeonGPU
  • SMCSuperIO
  • USBToolBox
  • UTBMap
  • VirtualSMC
  • WhateverGreen


  • SSDT-AWAC.aml
  • SSDT-EC-USBX.aml
  • SSDT-USBW.aml


  • HfsPlus.efi
  • OpenCanopy.efi
  • OpenRuntime.efi
submitted by /u/maucantara
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