Opencore O.9.3 update to 0.9.8, dual boot no longer works?

Hello everyone,

I have a ThinkPad E550 laptop with Monterey install and everything works.

I also installed Windows 11 Pro on the same SSD, Windows uses the same EFI directory as MacOs.

Dual boot from Opencore 0.9.3 works.

I wanted to update Opencore 0.9.8, but once the update is done, I restart, I do a Clear Nvram, I can start MacOS but can no longer start Windows 11 pro.

"A blue page tells me that Windows has encountered a problem."

If I restore my original EFI files everything works again.




Do you have an idea ?

I am attaching my config.plist



submitted by /u/Both-Palpitation9817
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