iMacPro1,1 vs MacPro7,1

Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone knows specifically why the iMacPro1,1 seems to offer better performance with the later Intel CPUs (obviously something to do with P-core vs E-core). I built a pretty high end machine with an i9-14900K, 128GB of RAM, ASUS MB, (Budget AMD 580 because I'm not much of a gamer). While it's not crucial, I do like the idea of using the MacPro7,1 SMBIOS over the iMacPro1,1. However, single and multi-threaded performance tanks when using the Mac Pro, even with various combinations of CPUTopologyRebuild.kext boot options, as well as leaving it out altogether. With iMacPro1,1 though, my CPU benchmarks even beat Windows on the same machine. I'm sure it has to do with the P-core vs E-core topology, i'm just wondering if anyone knows why it's an issue with the Mac Pro and if there's any way around it.

submitted by /u/gdo83
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