

It has been close to two weeks or so, since i purchased my Hackintosh GPU, an RX 570. And despite all my best efforts, I could not install any macOS. It would run through the boot up process, and simply go blank, a black screen, a dead stop. An up until a few days I ago, I had been troubleshooting the process, as if it had been a KP. So I would run through the Guide's boot up troubleshooting steps, rebuild my EFI, and same dead stop. Then, I read about others having a black screen with RX 570,580's, so I began troubleshooting as if it were a GPU related issue, even though, the RX 570 is supposedly OOB supported, which is why I believed my issues to be KPs, and not GPU issues. So for the past week I have tried different bios configurations, inserted different boot flags like -wenoigpu, agdpmod=vit9696, and shikigva=40 + shiki-id=Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94, with different smbios options, even started using oddball SSDTs, like SSDT Radeon_Deint. I started trying to find patches that were relevant, and I was even getting close to flashing the bios of the RX570. Then today in a last ditch, hail Mary, I pulled out an old Dell monitor, an old VGA cable and acquired an HDMI to VGA adapter, and rerun my, imo, strongest EFI folder, with a copy of Ventura, with the Dell monitor connected to the HDMI port on the RX580, and a DP cable to my big flatscreen, from the RX580, and cross my fingers, and lo and behold, after the verbose of the booting up completed, and the screen went black on my LCD, the MacOS recovery screen, was right there on the tiny Dell monitor. All this time i have thought i was doing something wrong with my config.plist, or my bios, or my kext order or something, when the RX580 just could not see any drivers at that point, for proper display, until after, macos gets installed.

submitted by /u/Hot-Associate-6925
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