Writing a new driver for RTL8821CE?

At this point I am fed up using a Wireless dongle, BRCM Cards are too expensive (with Sonoma literally omitting support), Intel cards are not available. And, HP forgot ethernet exists, apparently.

I wonder to myself now, how bad of a decision would it be to port a driver from linux anyways? As far as my Google searches have taken me, there is not a lot of info about macOS drivers. But there is itlwm.

My question here, or rather a request of advice, is to how I should achieve this dreadful thought of mine to finally use my laptop's internal wifi? I have experience working with the linux kernel itself, and I know how stuff works inside the kernel, and quite a bit about networking basics, so I might be able to figure stuff out given there is enough documentation.

My initial idea is to use https://github.com/tomaspinho/rtl8821ce/ as the rtk source and https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm/ as the boilerplate.

submitted by /u/Otus9051
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