Upgrading CPU for After Effects and Blender: Is It Worth It?


  1. Assessing Current Performance:

    • Before considering an upgrade, evaluate the current performance of your system with the 10th gen CPU (10850k) in After Effects and Blender.
    • Measure render times, preview playback, and overall responsiveness in both applications to determine if your current setup meets your needs.
  2. Identifying Performance Bottlenecks:

    • Determine if your CPU is the primary bottleneck in your workflow. Use task manager or performance monitoring tools to analyze CPU utilization while working in After Effects and Blender.
    • Consider if other components, such as GPU, RAM, or storage, are limiting performance in your workflow.
  3. Researching CPU Performance:

    • Research the performance benchmarks and reviews of 13th and 14th gen CPUs compared to your current 10th gen CPU.
    • Look for specific benchmarks related to After Effects and Blender to gauge potential performance improvements.
  4. Considering Other Factors:

    • Evaluate the cost of upgrading to a 13th or 14th gen CPU, including the price of the CPU itself, compatible motherboard, and any additional components required.
    • Consider the compatibility of your existing hardware, such as RAM and GPU, with the new CPU and motherboard.
    • Factor in the time and effort required for the upgrade process, including installation and potential troubleshooting.
  5. Assessing Future Needs:

    • Anticipate your future needs in After Effects and Blender. Consider if the performance gains from upgrading to a newer CPU will significantly benefit your workflow and productivity.
    • Evaluate if other factors, such as software updates or changes in project requirements, may influence your decision to upgrade.
  6. Making an Informed Decision:

    • Based on your assessment of current performance, potential performance gains, cost, compatibility, and future needs, make an informed decision on whether upgrading to a 13th or 14th gen CPU is worth it for your specific use case.
    • Consider seeking advice from online forums, professional communities, or tech experts who may provide additional insights and recommendations based on their experiences.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can determine whether upgrading your CPU for After Effects and Blender is a worthwhile investment for optimizing your workflow and achieving better performance.

Worth upgrading from 10th gen to 13/14th gen for After Effects and Blender?

I have one of the fastest officially supported CPUs (10850k w/6800xt). My geekbench single core is faster than all supported Intel Macs and is on par with a 16 core 2019 MacPro. I'll likely keep this machine on Ventura for the rest of its life.

I use a M1 Max MBP as my daily driver. I got it as a mobile backup, and it turned out to be faster for everything other than GPU.
I'm weighing doing one final upgrade, swapping the CPU and mobo to 13th or 14th gen. I have my eye on a z690 mobo that will allow me to use my 128GB of DDR4. I'll also see a giant leap in NVME performance jumping to PCIe gen4.

My use case is After Effects and, Blender.


submitted by /u/Matthazza
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