Troubleshooting Kernel Panic During macOS Sonoma Installation on a Custom PC

Based on the images you provided, it seems like you're encountering kernel panic issues during the boot process of your Hackintosh installation. Kernel panics can be caused by a variety of issues including incompatible hardware, incorrect BIOS settings, or issues within the EFI folder, such as improper kexts, drivers, or a misconfigured config.plist file.

Given that you've mentioned using Gen X and Configurator to build your EFI, it's possible that there might be some configurations that are not compatible with your hardware or the version of macOS Sonoma you're trying to install.

Here's a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and attempt to resolve the kernel panic:

  1. Check Your Hardware Compatibility:

    • Ensure that your hardware is compatible with macOS Sonoma. You can refer to various Hackintosh communities and documentation to confirm this.
  2. BIOS Settings:

    • Reset your BIOS to the optimized defaults and then configure the necessary settings for Hackintosh such as disabling VT-d, CFG-Lock, Secure Boot, and enabling XHCI Hand-off.
  3. EFI Folder Structure:

    • Ensure that your EFI folder is structured correctly with the necessary folders like BOOT and OC (for OpenCore).
  4. Kexts and Drivers:

    • Update all the kernel extensions (kexts) and drivers to their latest versions that are compatible with macOS Sonoma.
  5. config.plist Configuration:

    • Validate your config.plist using a plist editor or validator to ensure there are no syntax errors.
    • Make sure you have the correct SMBIOS information for your system.
    • Disable any unnecessary patches or features that may not be required for your system.
  6. Verbose Mode:

    • Boot in verbose mode to see more detailed logs. This can be done by adding -v to your boot arguments in the config.plist.
  7. Debugging the Panic:

    • Look for specific error messages or codes in the verbose output. Research these messages for more targeted troubleshooting.
  8. Single User Mode:

    • Try booting in single-user mode by using the -s boot argument to see if you can reach the command line.
  9. Safe Mode:

    • Boot into Safe Mode by using the -x boot argument to load with minimal kexts and drivers.
  10. EFI Folder Backup:

    • If you made any changes to your EFI folder, revert back to a known working backup if you have one.

If none of the above steps work, you might need to start over with a fresh EFI folder that is known to be good for your particular hardware setup. It's recommended to build your EFI folder manually, ensuring each component is added and configured with your specific hardware in mind, rather than relying on automated tools which might not always get everything right for every unique hardware combination.

Remember that troubleshooting a Hackintosh can sometimes be a process of trial and error due to the vast number of variables involved with different hardware combinations and software versions.

What should i do?
I dont have very much experience with Hackintoshs. I builded the EFI by myself with OC Gen X and Opencore Configurator.
Right now i get an error message when i boot the Efi with Macos Sonoma.
Can anyone help me, or tell me whats wrong?
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