USB Mapping End Step Questions

USB Mapping End Step Questions

Good evening all. I am satisfied with my USB Mapping, at this early stage, and regardless, of its lack of proper naming, I simply wish to try it. However, before I do, would you kind folks, please, confirm whether or not, I must remove the USB Inject All kext, from both, my EFI folder, and of course, the config.plist, and if so, must I also remove the XHCI-unsupported kext, seeing how I have placed both the USB Toolbox kext, as well as the UTB Map kext, I generated from the mapping, command tool, into my EFI's Kext folder, and enabled them, both, through proper tree. I, preemptively, removed the USB Inject All kext, believing that would be logical, but it can be replaced, if I deduced, incorrectly.

submitted by /u/Hot-Associate-6925
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