Hackintosh-able Laptop?

Hi! I'll need a new laptop soon and I really want to get away from Windows. I've got a laptop with Linux now and since I am going to require the Adobe Apps and MS Office for the new one, Linux will not be an option afaik. Since I wanna leave Windows behind, I thought that macOS is the perfect combination between Linux and Windows. MS and Adobe apps with Linux privacy. Apple hardware is way too expensive for me so the only option left is either Hackintosh or going back to Windows.

Now, I don't really have any preferences but it should have quite a bit of power (16-32GB RAM and not a weak GPU). I don't know if AMD Laptops are hackingtoshable yet (AMD CPU and GPU). I'd be really happy if you could give me recommendations for one.


submitted by /u/tob_ix88
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