Genuinely astonished, it works!

Genuinely astonished, it works!

For many years, I had attempted the OpenCore installer Guide without success. Initially, my hardware was not powerful enough for MacOS; But after having purchased a new machine, I was still unable to get a working install on my system. I had no idea that my host system, an HP EliteDesk 800 G3 Mini, with an Intel Core i7-6700t, would have so many quirks and issues to overcome. I tried, tried, and tried so many times that I was genuinely exhausted of trying. Then, having never reached out to a community or forum before, I came to r/hackintosh, begging for help.

For reference, this is my original post.

I'd like to thank the individuals who took time out of their day to give me advice; Without them, I wouldn't be here. I didn't just get into the installer, I'm now hosting a (mostly) functional Sonoma install on my main drive!

Firstly, I'd like to thank u/Seven_of_eleven, for pointing out the main issue that was preventing my system from booting. After having successfully mapped my USB port configuration in Windows, I had left conflicting USB controller .kext's in my EFI. This may have seemed easy, but I was confused about how to properly setup USB port configurations, given the 15 port limit on newer versions of MacOS. I didn't directly understand how it all worked, but after plenty of research, I figured it out.

Secondly, u/MariusM84 added on to what u/Seven_of_eleven had commented, by letting me know that Lilu.kext was not in front in boot order. This is very important, it was preventing my drivers from loading correctly while trying to open the installer. This issue was equally destructive as my failed USB configuration, but was definitely easier to fix. Thank you for making this apparent.

Later on, u/Seven_of_eleven commented again, after having reviewed my EFI and config.plist. I was made aware that my config had a few errors referencing files, and several settings did not match what version of MacOS I was trying to install. I was also influenced to do more research on the correct SMBIOS and AAPL,ig-platform-id to use; Which is tricky on Skylake systems, especially while spoofing iGPU for MacOS 13+ compatibility. I'm still having difficulty making everything cooperate, but I'm almost certain it's due to having updated to Sonoma, as most everything worked fine on Ventura. Thank you again, u/Seven_of_eleven, it's likely you spent the most time helping me find out what's wrong, of all the other comments. You helped me fix many issues, I can accredit the majority of my success to your advice, I wouldn't have made it here without you.

Thank you u/Techsposure, for having directed me in the right direction for troubleshooting the RTC clock. Although your direct advice did not work, it helped me assess why my machine had issues while restarting and shutting down, after attempting the OpenCore installer. This does seem to be an HP relevant issue, and I was able to properly overcome it by using RTCMemoryFixup.kext. After much trial and error developing my rtc-blacklist, as data, "D8D9DADB DCDDDEDF" was what fixed the issue in the end. I still have RTC errors every once an a while, but it usually happens just once after having edited my EFI or config.plist. I was also suggested to use Big Sur for my very first recovery image, as it seems to be less buggy to setup than other versions of MacOS. Big Sur was the first installer I was able to successfully boot into, and I was able to work out the rest of the kinks there before installing Sonoma. I jumped up and down like a little kid when I saw the Recovery page show up for the very first time.

Thank you u/Equivalent_Fall_568, for having shared a link to a GitHub that hosts a successfully installed EFI for a nearly identical system. I had very little luck when researching tips for my specific machine, so I replaced my USB with this just to try it. I used this EFI to compare what was wrong with mine, but not everything worked, and I didn't make it to the installer. It left me some boot logs that were more helpful than my current EFI, so I was able to use this to scope out some problems.

Thank you u/RealisticError48, for having shared your previous experience with similarly configured MacOS installs. You helped let me know that Skylake was going to be a huge hassle, and I totally get it now. I'm in Hackintosh Hell, I'm just thankful this runs at all because I was actively losing my mind.

Thank you u/EfficiencyNo3712, for reaching out and expressing that you share the same issues I've faced so far. I hope the advice that's been shared is of value to you, and anyone else attempting to Hackintosh a similar system. Again, we are in Hackintosh Hell, if you can hear us, please save us from Skylake.

Thanks to everyone mentioned above, I'm now daily driving a functional MacOS Sonoma install. I was genuinely exhausted, and would have given up for good, had it not been for the advice you all shared with me. I really appreciate you all for having invested your time in helping me reach Hackintosh Hell, because I still need help ironing out the wrinkles. Below I will list a few issues I'm still experiencing, and I would greatly appreciate if anyone who saw this could continue helping me. I intend to return the favor once my install is of utmost quality, and I actually finish wrapping my head around everything I've done so far. I literally am so sleep deprived right now, but the show must go on.

Essentially everything works, just a few things:

iGPU Spoofing - Given I'm using a Skylake processor, and the OpenCore guide hasn't been updated for Sonoma, I'm entirely lost at what to do. It's been mentioned that if you're able to correctly spoof your CPU to one that uses HD 630 graphics (instead of my i7-6700t's HD 530 graphics), that Sonoma should work fine as long as Ventura did. However, it was noted that HD 6XX graphics support was dropped in Sonoma, does that mean I have to spoof to yet another CPU? I'm already spoofed to an i7-7700K, and things were fine on Ventura. However, since updating to Sonoma, I can only go up to 2560x1440p while using a 4K display. Obviously I want to fix my display and use 4K again, but I was unsure if spoofing to a different CPU would actually fix this issue. I'm essentially totally lost on where I should be, and would greatly appreciate if someone could help me understand navigating Skylake better.

DRM issues - Apple Music worked on Ventura, but having reached Sonoma, it refuses to play music. I've read that SMBIOS and AAPL,ig-platform-id can contribute to these issues, and I was unsure if this was related to having spoofed my machine and updated to Sonoma. I wanted to see if that was the issue before I attempted other DRM workarounds, because they're pretty lengthy.

Airdrop/Airplay - Straight up never worked, I probably did something wrong. I would appreciate clarification on how to pair the correct version of Airportitlwm.kext with Sonoma, should this be the culprit. I genuinely don't understand anything in this category.

WiFi - I'm pretty certain I had read somewhere that when you commit to Hackintosh, you give up WiFi and are permanently bound to ethernet. This might be total b/s, because I remember being able to search networks on Ventura, but I was on LAN the whole time so I didn't get to try it. I would appreciate if someone could explain it in greater detail, especially as WiFi is grayed out since updating to Sonoma.

I will add a Google Drive link that includes every resource from my current EFI.

Thank you so much for your time, I will appreciate any advice.

submitted by /u/jmollica13
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