I have a Mac mini 6,1 (late 2012). I'm on macOS 13.6.1. Pretty sure I haven't updated it since things were working mostly fine. Unfortunately I'm not sure which OCLP I was on when it still ran well, I think I last updated in November, so probably 1.2.0 or 1.2.1, maybe 1.1.0.
I updated to OCLP 1.3.0 and things were going well until the root patches (I think only one, for the Intel HD 4000) were applied. I didn't see any error messages, but when the Mac rebooted, I got stuck trying to log in (progressed about 15% and froze).
Safe mode and Recovery didn't work, NVRAM/PRAM and SMC reset didn't help either.
I was able to get into Recovery using my OCLP flash drive and then used this trouble shooting guide:
I was able to follow it, but in the last step, where you're supposed to delete some .kexts, the "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/Extensions" folder is completely empty for me.
I reboot and am able to login. GPU acceleration isn't working, so some things are very slow. I get an OCLP message to apply the root patch for the Intel HD 4000. I do that (again, I don't see any errors in the log) and everything repeats.
I downgraded OCLP from 1.3.0 to 1.2.1, then 1.2.0 and finally 1.1.0 and still the same bevahior. As soon as I apply the the root patch, the Mac freezes at the login progress bar.
I downgraded OCLP by simply installing the older version of OCLP over the newer ones. Is this a mistake? It does show the downgraded version number when OCLP starts. Should I update Ventura to the latest version and see if that fixes it? Upgrade to Sonoma? Do a clean re-install of macOS? I don't have a Time Machine backup to revert to.
Thanks a lot.
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