Sandy Bridge Kernel Panic

Hello, I am attempting to breathe new life into an older Sandy Bridge desktop but have hit a KP.

I closely followed the Dortania Guide to create a plist and usb Mojave recovery boot disk on Linux, however, at first I could not reach the Boot Picker. To resolve that, I swapped HFSPlus.efi for HFSPlusLegacy.efi. Next I was stuck on “End Random Seed“ and to resolve that, I set EnableWriteUnprotector to false and RebuildAppleMemoryMap to True. The boot process would continue, but I am now hitting a KP and am stumped.

Asus UEFI PBZ68 Deluxe

Intel i7 2600k

Nvidia 680 GTX

Most recent Debug OC version and debug Kexts.

submitted by /u/pussylover772
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