Fixing macOS Installer Hang and Reboot Issue on Dell Precision T3600


If you're encountering issues where the macOS installer hangs and then reboots your Dell Precision T3600 system, there are several troubleshooting steps you can follow to address the problem:

1. Verify OpenCore Configuration:

  • Ensure that your OpenCore configuration (config.plist) is correctly set up for your hardware. Double-check ACPI, Kernel, DeviceProperties, and other relevant sections to ensure they match your system specifications.

2. Check Hardware Compatibility:

  • Confirm that all hardware components in your Dell Precision T3600 are compatible with macOS. Pay particular attention to the GPU (MSI GTX 650) and ensure it's supported by macOS and has appropriate drivers.

3. Check EFI Folder:

  • Review your EFI folder and make sure all necessary kexts, ACPI patches, and drivers are present and configured correctly. Ensure that you're using the latest versions of essential kexts like Lilu.kext, WhateverGreen.kext, and VirtualSMC.kext.

4. Verify UEFI/BIOS Settings:

  • Check your UEFI/BIOS settings and make sure they are correctly configured for Hackintosh compatibility. Common settings to check include disabling Secure Boot, enabling AHCI for SATA mode, and configuring boot mode to UEFI.

5. Boot Arguments and Flags:

  • Experiment with different boot arguments and flags in your OpenCore configuration. Try enabling verbose mode (-v) to see detailed boot logs, which can help identify the specific point where the installation process hangs.

6. Debugging with Kernel Panics:

  • If the system experiences kernel panics or hangs during boot, pay attention to any error messages or codes displayed. These can provide valuable clues about the underlying issue and help guide troubleshooting efforts.

7. Test with Different macOS Versions:

  • If possible, try booting from different macOS installer versions to see if the issue persists across multiple versions. Sometimes, certain macOS versions may have better compatibility with specific hardware configurations.

8. Seek Community Support:

  • If you're still unable to resolve the issue, seek assistance from online forums, Hackintosh communities, or Discord channels dedicated to Hackintosh troubleshooting. Experienced users may be able to provide guidance based on your specific hardware and configuration.

By following these steps and troubleshooting methods, you should be able to address the macOS installer hang and reboot issue on your Dell Precision T3600 system and proceed with the installation successfully.

macOS installer doesn't boot

OpenCore itself boots fine but when I try to boot the macOS installer, it hangs for a while and then reboots my PC. I'm trying to do this on a Dell Precision T3600 with a Sandybridge-EP Xeon E5-1620, an MSI GTX 650 and 4 x 4 GiB DDR3 @ 1600 Mhz.

Here is a log:

00:000 00:000 OC: Setting HW_SSN F5KJ9TYHP7QM - Out of Resources 00:057 00:057 OC: Setting SSN F5KJ9TYHP7QM - Out of Resources 00:114 00:057 OC: Setting FirmwareFeatures FDAFF066 - Out of Resources 00:172 00:057 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeatures 00000008FDAFF066 - Out of Resources 00:226 00:054 OC: Setting FirmwareFeaturesMask FFFFFF7F - Out of Resources 00:280 00:054 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask 00000008FFFFFF7F - Out of Resources 

This is my EFI:

submitted by /u/Deathscyther1HD
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