MacbookPro12,1 with Sonoma

Runs great really. Runs Sonoma better than Ventura... after the root patch.

With Ventura the root patch is slow but doable.

With Sonoma however: Sonoma starts with the live background and that makes the entire computer completely unstable before the root patch. Literally taking about 90 sec to register a single keystroke, hope your password is short and sweet and hope you never make mistakes. Worst is it takes so long to type anything if you don't move something the OS will time out, lock the screen and then you're back to square 1.

If you manage to get past the login screen you will be asked to select a background, wanna try the live background? It's the default option. No biggie right? You can just press the right arrow and... no? You have to somehow move the mouse to the non-live background and literally click on it, except just like with the keyboard the mouse/trackpad movements are all super slow because of the live background.

Well, what an ordeal to login and select one thing.

Once that's done though, once the live background's been turned off everything works reasonably fast and you can install the root patch, then Sonoma is blazing fast and noticeably better than Ventura.

I have two questions to the devs though:

  1. Any chance to change the default background when installing Sonoma? Some magic that deselects the live background at least for the first boot.
  2. Or maybe some way to install the root patch over cli or safe boot to avoid this hassle.
submitted by /u/nairdaleo
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