Troubleshooting Yosemite-Zone Installation on Lenovo IdeaPad G50-45 with AMD E1-6010


Guide for Resolving Hackintosh Installation Stalling on Lenovo IdeaPad G50-45

Target Audience: Users with basic to intermediate knowledge in Hackintosh installations, especially on AMD-based systems like the Lenovo IdeaPad G50-45.

  1. Bootloader Flags:

    • Reattempt the installation using different boot flags. In addition to /amd64, try -v for verbose mode to identify where the installation halts.
    • Other flags like npci=0x2000, GraphicsEnabler=No, or cpus=1 might also be helpful depending on the error messages observed in verbose mode.
  2. BIOS Settings:

    • Ensure that your BIOS settings are optimized for Hackintosh installation:
      • Set SATA mode to AHCI.
      • Disable Secure Boot.
      • Disable Fast Boot.
      • If available, switch the graphics setting from Switchable Graphics to UMA Graphics.
  3. Check Installation Media:

    • Verify that your Yosemite-Zone installation media is correctly created and not corrupted. Try recreating the installation USB using a reliable guide.
  4. Kernel Compatibility:

    • The AMD E1-6010 processor may require a specific kernel for compatibility. Research if there’s a specialized kernel or patch available for your CPU model.
  5. Graphics Compatibility:

    • Radeon R2 graphics may not be fully compatible or may require additional kexts or configurations. Research your GPU model for any specific Hackintosh advice.
  6. RAM Allocation:

    • If your Lenovo has multiple RAM sticks, try booting with only one stick to rule out any memory compatibility issues.
  7. Use an Alternate Hackintosh Method:

    • Yosemite-Zone is a specific distro with its own set of challenges. Consider using a vanilla installation method with updated resources for better compatibility and support.
  8. Consult Community Forums:

    • Engage with forums dedicated to Hackintosh and particularly AMD-based Hackintosh builds. Other users may have encountered and solved similar issues.
  9. Hardware Limitations:

    • Be aware that not all hardware is fully compatible with Hackintosh installations. Your specific laptop model may have inherent limitations that make Hackintosh installation challenging or impossible.
  10. Legal and Ethical Considerations:

    • Remember that installing macOS on non-Apple hardware is against Apple's End User License Agreement (EULA) and comes with its own set of legal and ethical considerations.

Conclusion: Installing Yosemite-Zone on a Lenovo IdeaPad G50-45 can be complex due to hardware and software compatibility issues, especially with an AMD CPU and Radeon graphics. Experimenting with different boot flags, adjusting BIOS settings, and seeking community advice are key steps in troubleshooting. For more detailed guides and community support, visit iATKOS Inside Blog.

Hi guys so i have lenovo ideapad g50-45 and i tried installing yosemite-zone on it it has amd e1-6010 with radeon r2 i tried the /amd64 command and it showed the apple logo and the progress bar it started but it went like 2 pixels before it stopped and didnt move at all

submitted by /u/PEPOSVK
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