How to fix no output device found on Hackintosh?

Guide: Fixing 'No Output Device Found' for Realtek ALC282 on Hackintosh

Target Audience: Intermediate Hackintosh Users with Audio Issues


Resolve the issue where no input or output devices are recognized with Realtek ALC282 codec on a Hackintosh.

Solution Overview:

Ensuring that AppleALC.kext is properly implemented with the correct layout ID is crucial for enabling audio. VoodooHDA is an alternative but is not recommended when AppleALC could work, as it provides a more native experience.

Steps to Resolve Audio Issue:

  1. Remove VoodooHDA:

    • If you have VoodooHDA.kext installed, remove it. Having both AppleALC and VoodooHDA can cause conflicts.
  2. Correct AppleALC Usage:

    • Make sure you are using the latest version of AppleALC.kext and Lilu.kext.
    • Place both kexts in your EFI/OC/Kexts folder and ensure they are correctly declared in your config.plist under Kernel -> Add.
  3. Layout ID Configuration:

    • Realtek ALC282 may work with several layout IDs. Common IDs include 1, 2, 3, 13, 15, 27, 28, 29, 34.
    • Try different layout IDs by adding the alcid=<layout-id> boot argument in OpenCore's config.plist under NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 -> boot-args.
    • You can also set the layout ID under DeviceProperties if boot-args does not work.
  4. Clear Kext Caches:

    • After each change, clear the kext caches by running sudo kextcache -i / from Terminal in macOS.
  5. BIOS Settings:

    • Ensure HD Audio is enabled in your BIOS settings.
    • Disable any onboard audio processing settings like "Audio DSP" if available.
  6. CodecCommander.kext:

    • CodecCommander is not typically necessary when using AppleALC but can be used as a last resort.
    • Place CodecCommander.kext in EFI/OC/Kexts and declare it in your config.plist, similar to other kexts.
  7. Troubleshoot with Hackintool:

    • Use Hackintool to check if the audio device is detected at the PCI level and to try different layout IDs more conveniently.
  8. Check ACPI Patches:

    • Verify that any necessary ACPI patches for audio are applied.
  9. Check System Preferences:

    • Sometimes, the output device is not selected by default. Go to System Preferences -> Sound to check if any output devices are listed.

Feedback and Support:

  • Share your experience with the particular layout ID that worked for you in Hackintosh forums.
  • If you continue to face issues, provide details about what you have tried in forums for community support.


  • Always back up your EFI folder before making changes.
  • One change at a time can help isolate what works and what doesn't.

If you've tried all the above steps and audio still does not work, consider seeking out a forum specifically for Hackintosh issues, where you can share your EFI folder (excluding serial numbers) and get more tailored help.

Hello everyone i tried actually to install AppleALC.kext and i tried also VodooHDA.kext and CodecCommander.kext and i tried every possible codec for my audio which is Realtek ALC282
Whatever i install it's also not working and not recognize any output or input device

could someone help me please ?

submitted by /u/StefanCrowlley
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