Fixing Graphics Acceleration on Gigabyte Z490 Aorus Elite Hackintosh with Radeon RX580


If you've recently added a Radeon RX580 to your Gigabyte Z490 Aorus Elite Hackintosh but are experiencing mouse stuttering and lack of graphics acceleration, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

1. Verify Graphics Card Compatibility:

  • Ensure that your Radeon RX580 graphics card is compatible with macOS Ventura. Check online resources and compatibility lists to confirm.

2. Update OpenCore and Kexts:

  • Update your OpenCore bootloader to the latest version for better compatibility and stability.
  • Ensure that you have the necessary kexts for graphics acceleration, such as WhateverGreen, Lilu, and RadeonDeInit. Update them to the latest versions as well.

3. Configure config.plist:

  • Open your config.plist using a text editor or a plist editor.
  • Under the DeviceProperties section, add the necessary properties for your Radeon RX580 graphics card. You may need to inject properties such as AAPL,ig-platform-id, device-id, and framebuffer-con1-type based on your specific GPU model.
  • Refer to online resources, guides, or sample config.plist files for Radeon RX580 Hackintosh setups to find the appropriate values for your card.

4. Enable Graphics Injection:

  • Ensure that graphics injection is enabled in your config.plist. Set DeviceProperties -> Add -> PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0) to the appropriate values for your GPU.

5. Resolve VRAM Issue:

  • The reported VRAM of 31MB indicates that graphics acceleration is not properly enabled. This can be due to incorrect configuration or missing kexts.
  • Verify that WhateverGreen.kext is loaded properly in your EFI folder. If not, ensure that it's included and properly configured in your config.plist.

6. Testing and Troubleshooting:

  • Save your config.plist and reboot your system.
  • Verify if graphics acceleration is now enabled by checking the reported VRAM and overall system performance.
  • If you encounter any issues or errors, refer to the OpenCore documentation, online forums, or Hackintosh communities for troubleshooting assistance.

By following these steps and ensuring proper configuration of your config.plist and kexts, you should be able to resolve the graphics acceleration issues with your Radeon RX580 on your Gigabyte Z490 Aorus Elite Hackintosh running macOS Ventura.

Graphics Question

Newbie here, please be gentle :-)


Mobo- Gigabyte Z490 Aorus Elite

Ram - 64Gb 3200 DDR4

CPU - Intel Core i9-10850K


OS - Ventura

OpenCore - 0.9.7

I have been using the onboard U630 graphics but with lots of mouse stuttering etc. Just added a Radeon RX580, and it works ok with the display port, but there is still stuttering. What changes do I need to do to got graphics acceleration.

Report shows:

VRAM 31mb and no kext loaded.

How do I attach my config.plist?



submitted by /u/robbhar
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