Troubleshooting Black Screen Before Picker on Legion 5

Black screen before picker, then boots back to windows
Skill Level: Intermediate

This guide aims to address the black screen and automatic boot to Windows when trying to install macOS via iATKOS on a Legion 5 laptop.

Step 1: BIOS Settings Verification

Ensure that the BIOS settings are correctly configured for a Hackintosh setup. This includes disabling Secure Boot, enabling AHCI, and prioritizing the USB boot.

Step 2: Bootloader Configuration

Check your bootloader configuration. Ensure that the correct drivers are loaded and that there are no conflicts, particularly with GPU settings.

Step 3: Verbose Mode

Boot in verbose mode to see detailed logs. This can give clues as to where the boot process is failing.

Step 4: Reviewing Debug Logs

Analyze the debug logs for any errors or critical messages. Pay special attention to ACPI errors or kernel panic messages.

Step 5: Bootloader Update or Reinstall

If issues persist, consider updating or reinstalling the bootloader. This can sometimes resolve compatibility issues.

hello, after trying to install the hackintosh on my legion 5 (yes im the guy who asked for igpu support). theres a black screen when i boot throught the OC usb, then it boots back to windows. I switched to debug mode and it spat out logs, but still booted back to windows. I will link the log file here. I would appreciate the help. Thanks.

submitted by /u/carbonfoxx
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