Guidance for setting up my hackintosh

Hello guys, I have a pc I have been working on for the past 2 years, it has a ryzen 7 and a rtx 3060.

I have an extra gpu space in the case and the power source would be enough. Now I have no idea on how to do anything related to building my hackintosh on this exact spec, I can buy a graphics card if needed, not sure which is the best. I dont really know if it will work good enough for me to be able to actually be able to do the work on it but I have an macbook for a few years and I am totally in love with the mac os.

Now I tried doing my own research but there is so much information that I am more confused than before.

I am sure you guys know this stuff really well and thought asking you guys, there might be someone who wants to help a fellow out to join your community.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/6dave9
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