Stuck in kernel panic

Hi, everyone.

I want to install hackintosh. currently i dont have a mac around me, so i am using linux to create my mac bootable usb. but i'm stuck in the kernel panic.

I am using script from this link

the kernel panic message is:

In Memory Panic Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 5469 (Uncompressed 16240) **

My specs are:

Processor : intel core i5-8265u

gpu: NVIDIA GeForce MX230 & Intel UHD Graphics 620

ram: 20 gb

ssd: 512gb

os: currently dual booting linux and windows

my laptop is asus vivobook x409fj_a409fj

my boot kexts are:

- UTBMap.kext

- AppleALCU.kext

- AppleALC.kext

- WhateverGreen.kext

- Lilu.kext

- SMCSuperIO.kext

- SMCLightSensor.kext

- SMCBatteryManager.kext

- SMCProcessor.kext

- VirtualSMC.kext

- VoodooPS2Controller.kext

- VoodooI2C.kext

- VoodooI2CSynaptics.kext

- VoodooI2CHID.kext

- VoodooI2CFTE.kext

- VoodooI2CELAN.kext

- VoodooI2CAtmelMXT.kext

- USBToolBox.kext

Thank you

submitted by /u/YohanesAndrew
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