Kernel panic on first boot, freezes on a different line every time afterwards (HP Pavillion laptop, Intel i5 7200U)

Hi everyone

I’m trying to install macOS Monterey on my computer, everything is compatible. I made a decent EFI and followed the Dortania guide to configure my config.plist. When I try to boot of the usb, it then kernel panics (photo attached below).

I then use a sanity checker and the only mistake I’ve done is Patch: replace one byte sequence with another: disabled. I find this setting, turn it on and i try again. I boot again but OpenCore gets stuck on Notice: xpcproxy spawned with pid 333 (I have a video but cannot attach it for some reason)

I leave my computer at this stage for around few minutes but to no avail, it is just stuck on this. I then restart.

I try again after changing settings in config.plist (AppleXcpmCfgLock was false, i set it to true). I boot again and it gets stuck on: n_start_address() failed.

OpenCore Logs:

If someone could help it would mean the world.


submitted by /u/reignzrulez
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