Can’t boot because of corecrypto kernel panic, sonoma 14.1 upgrade, macbook 13,3 with T1

Can’t boot because of corecrypto kernel panic, sonoma 14.1 upgrade, macbook 13,3 with T1

I have a 15in macbook pro, 2016 with T1 chip (13,3). I upgraded from OCLP 1.0 to 1.1 with Sonoma 14.0. System was working fine. Then I upgraded from 14.0 to 14.1

After the upgrade the system boots without the patches for wifi, graphics, t1 etc. Once I install the patches and reboot the system gets stuck on boot with a kernel panic in the corecrypto.kext kernel extension.

When I roll back the snapshot, the patched extensions get deleted and the system boots again without the extensions.

I also tried the latest nightly OCLP patcher 1.2n? but that didn’t help. It has the same issue. I attach a picture of the kernel panic.

Below is the ocr version of the boot log but it might be easier to look at the picture.

I am out of ideas and any suggestions would be appreciated.

panic(epu 0 caller Ox7000 CRO: 0x0000Đ00080010033, Bxfftt/r0000d00rb3): Kernol trop at OxfFFFF/80093e29f5, type 11=pogo foult, registers: RHX: CR2: 0x000000Đ000000040. CR3: 6x088000004987000. CR4: 0x00000000003606e0 RBX: Oxfffffffo80003b60, RCX: 0x0060000064000000, RDX: Ux0000000000420000 RSP: Oxffffff RB: Fo00083b10, RBP: Oxfffff/fe00003b20, RSI: OxffPFfFFeD00Đ3b60, RD1: 0xFFFFFF0BDI7e5da0 8x0080880000800000 R9: Đx6B00006600000065. R10: 0x0000000000000064. R11: Oxf/FF/FTe000039a0 R12: RFL: Bx0008000000000006. ExTTTr8673384728, R14: @xfrFFrr800b7e5dad, R15: ĐxĐ00008060000000Đ 0x0000000000010086. R13: RIP: Oxffffff80093029f5, CS: 0x000B000000000008. SS: 8x60ยยยย8000088800 Fault CRZ: 0x0000000000000010. Error code: 0xB0B0000080000008, Fault CPU: Ox0. PL: 0. VF: 1 Panicked task UxfP8FFf903/P2700B: 12 threads: pid 0: Backtrace (CPU O). OxffC0ffe00003490 panicked thread: OxFfffff99dBdee0c8, Frans : Return Address OxfffffffeĐĐ0034e0 OxffO ath _kernel : Juandle_debugger_trap + 0x4b1 OxfFiTTr8688d993cd sach_kernel : kop_i3B6_trap + 0x118 OxfftFfffe00603520 OxfffPFFFe000035a0 Uxtttn ราชยยชดBabEc nach kernel kerncl_trap • 0x55c Oxfff/fF0000bd7971 nach_kernel return_fron_trap • Oxc1 oxfrerrre660035c6 OxffrCFf8008c3äf8d nach_kernel Oxfffffff0000036b0 Dehugger TraptithState + Bx5d 0xffFfff800Bc3a633 wach_kernel panic_trap Oxfffffffe00003710 to_debugger + Oxle3 Oxffffff80093d957b nach_kernel nach_kernel panic • 0x81 OxfffrffFe00003000 OxFff0F0000d001b3 mach_kernel sync_iss_to_iks + 8x2c3 Oxfffff/feĐĐ003980 Oxffffff806#d88c97 kernel_trap + Oxa7 Uxfffffffe00003a80 Oxfff/fffe00003.20 Oxffffff8000bd7971 mach_kerneL return fron trap • 0xcl Oxfffffffe80003h20 OxfFfF/F00093e29F5 mach_kernel _vn _packing_pointer_invalid • Ox18bb Oxfffffffe00003b50 Oxfrrrrf800654e6 nach kernel register_and_init_prng + Bx16 Oxffffff&dfb7bdfad : OxffPffffe00003cc0 _corecrypto_kext_start + 0x/90 Oxfrrrf/Fe00B03d10 Oxfff Ffff800926e77e nach_kernel ZN60SKext5startEb • Bo23e OxfffF/f800926c24b nach_kernel Oxffff/ffe00003d80 2N60SKextfloadEhhP70SHiray + Bxch Oxfffffffe00003dF0 Oxffi FF0089266524 mach_kernel ZN605Kext 4loadEhhP705Array + 0z3a4 Oxfffffffe00003e10 Uxffffff8009281h21 Ixffff mach_kernel 70009201-919 ZN60SKext22 loadKextVi th IdentifierEP80SStr ingPP80S0b joctbbhhP70SArray + Ox1b1 nach_kernel OxfffTfffeĐB003e9B ANUSKext22loodKextWi thidentifier EKcbbhhP70S/rray • 8x79 UxtTTT0180091e0e8e Oxfffffffe000030a0 OxfffFFF80694006b0 OxffffffFe00003F08 OxfPfFFF8009307681 OxfrrC/Fe06003f50 nach_kernel : PE_init_iokit • 0251 OxffT0fF0006c70ee4 mnch_kernel :_uax_valid_slack aldress + Oxlde4 OxPFfffFFe800B3Fa0 : OxfFFFffB0B8bd719e nach_kernel :_call_continuation • Axze Kernol Extensions in backtrace: con.opple .kec .corecrypto(11.0)[9NĐFD220-3123-32NE-9761-042008057705100xFFFFFF806b763000->0xfFTF/F000b7defff Procass name corresponding to current thread (Uxffffff99‹BdoeBc8): Unknow Doot args: -v keepsyns=1 dobug-8x100 ipc_control_port_options-0 -nokcn i suatchpanic Hac OS version: Not yot sot Kernel version: Darwin Kornel Varsion 23.1.0: Mon Oct Kornel UUID: 7CBFE931-57C6-30ND-9EDB-CC5572299REG 9 21127:27 PDI 2023: root :xnu-10082.41.9-6/RELERSE_X85_64 roots Installed: 8 KernelCache slide: Hx000Đ060008800000 KernelCache base: Kernel slide: Oxffffff8008a00000 6x00000000000:0000 Kernel HIB text base: Axrprrrr8008ae6000 toxt baso: Oxfff+fP8008900000 Syston shutdown bagun: NO Panic diags file unavollable, panic oucured prior to initialization Hibernation exit count: 0 System uptime in nanosecands : 1633340141 Last Sleep: absolute base_Isc Uptino base _nano : Bx000006003dbe3307 Sleep Wake 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000800000000 : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000800b34699b6e 0x0000000Đ60000000 Compressor Info: 6% of Zone info: compressed pages Aluit (DK) and 0% of segnents linit (OK) with 8 suapfiles and OK smap space Zone nop: 8xfFFC(r803eeb8000 - oxeerrefa03eebb000 PGZ VH ExfrFrrr803eeb6008 - Oxffff/f8040eb9000 • RO UxfFffff8040cb9000 GxFFFErF8500668000 ĐxfF/fFF050d6b0000 OxffffFP86a6cb8000 GENO : Bxfrrerr86a6eb8000 OxfFfC500b736b8000 GEN1 : Bxffft/F8b736b6000 - Uxfffffr903Feb800# GEN2 GEN3 Oxffffff903fob8000 Uxffffff950c6bB000 : OxfFfFFF950c6b0000 OxffPFF/9940eb8000 DATA : OxfffT5099d8ebB000 BxffFFf(a03eeb8000 Motadata: Uxfffffff3/9cda000 - @xfffffff419cda00Đ Bitmops : Uxfffffff119cdo000 - OxFFFFFFF11ccda000 Extra : 0 -0 ** In Menory Panie Stackshot Succeeded ** Dytes Traced 1992 (Uncompressed 5008) x» Please go to https://panic.applo.con to report this panic

submitted by /u/Eagle_Dazzling
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