Getting a Mac Pro 2012 in 2023?


In 2015, I had a Mac Pro 2010 that I lost (I moved and I lost it while moving). I was wondering if it's a good idea to get a Mac Pro 2012. I like that it can run Mac OS natively, but I hope to use it for intensive things like local 3D rendering and perhaps gaming. I also really like its case. Is it practical to get one? I am totally fine with buying a new CPU, graphics card, and other parts, but I'm not sure if I should just get a Windows computer or how long it could run the latest Mac OS.

I know I can find its case and just throw in new parts, but it won't run Mac OS natively.

I use a MBP 14 on a daily basis.

submitted by /u/ohnoyoufoundthis
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