CSR8510 A10 bluetooth dongle not working

CSR8510 A10 bluetooth dongle not working

Hi, I have CSR8510 A10 Bluetooth dongle from Haing. Its Bluetooth 4.0. I could not get it to work. I tried some kexts but it didn't work. it said BTDONGLE in macOS I think. but the Bluetooth doesn't work. I tried using the BluetoothFixUp kext but it didn't work. Can someone help me? I'm using macOS Monterey 16.9. Thank you for any help :3

Specs: i5 6500, 16gb ddr4, 256gb SSD, 500GB HDD, 240GB SSD, Intel HD 530. The PC model is Dell OptiPlex 7050 SFF.

This is the Bluetooth Dongle:

Haing HI-B303-UBT Bluetooth USB Adapter


submitted by /u/Zack_Slice778
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