Black Screen in macRecovery

I finally managed to boot macOS Recovery with the HDMI adapter, because my Monitor doesn’t have a HDMI Port so I use a HDMI to VGA Adapter on my Morherboard. Now I had to change the resolution in the config.plist to 1024x768 so that I can get an image otherwise the message „Outside scan area“ comes

Now when I started the installation, the screen turned black again after 5-10 minutes and a picture didn’t come anymore. I use macOS Monterey.

But on my usb stick, a log was generated with the following new error message:

00:000 00:000 OCC: Missing compatible GOP - Not Found 00:025 00:046 00:025 OCC: Missing GOP on ConQut - Unsupported 00:021 OC: Changed resolution to 1024x768@0 (max: 0, force: 0) from 1024x768 - Unsupported

submitted by /u/CloudCodeXD
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