We are at a point where new hackintosher will never interact with Rehabman, and now I am sad.

If your new to hackintosh, please understand that none of this would have been possible without Rehabman. Go take a second to look him up if you don't know who that is. I started making hackintoshes with 10.6.8 snow leopard, over 13 years ago as a 14 year old. Rehabman changed the course of my life forever. Without him I would literally not be where I am today. He is one of the smartest and private coders I have ever interacted with. I had years of conversations with him, like many of us in the community have. And as we all know some good and bad conversations haha.. the dude had a way with words lol.. absolute genius.. I wish I knew more about him personally, where he lived, where he went to school, how he gained so much knowledge of C and C++ programming. How his mind was so smart... We will never forget you Rehabman! So if you are new to hackintosh understand without Rehabman man, none of us would be here right now.

submitted by /u/Ericarthurc
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