so AI is horrible at hackintoshing, thanks for helping me find the conclusive answer to my experiment! i will be attempting my first hackintosh soon when my AMD GPU arrives in the mail - i'll be searching for my components around to see if a guide exists for my hardware but if not (con'td.)

if i can't find one, is there anyone who can walk me through what i'll need to change in my BIOS settings, how i create an appropriate EFI partition on disk 2 (it's still factory blank because i've reserved it for MacOS), what some appropriate settings for the EFI partition might be to get everything working (it's a studio workstation for using logic, msp Max, etc so my priorities are audio, network connectivity and having my USB4/thunderbolt connections functional as well as 3 or 4 USB connections - i don't need the entire I/O port working nor the motherboard internal audio as i will be using an audio interface, i just need USB audio working and thunderbolt for upgradability in the future if i decide to get a thunderbolt drive and a thunderbolt interface to reduce my latency),the kexts i'll need, how to install MacOS's "metal" driver for my AMD GPU, etc. it's all a lot to wrap my head around. like i said i will search for an existing guide before asking for one and i won't even ask for one if it's not allowed - but i just want to check whether or not asking for a guide is allowed.

AND if course i will provide full specs if i ask for a guide

submitted by /u/eGPUthrowaway2023
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