Safely clone to bigger drive containing 2 os already

Hello there !

First time doing a Hackintosh , it's almost fully working (Wifi and dGPU not working but that's normal as no drivers exist for them) on an "old" Acer E5 i have.

To not mess anything up, i made the OpenCore install on a 320Gb drive, and everything is working on this drive.
So i cloned the mac partition using GParted, added the grub entry, but i'm booting to a forbidden icon now. I know that macOS expect the partition to be the second (/dev/sdx2) but now it's the fifth one (/dev/sda5) and i was wondering, is it possible to just edit the macos boot config to point it to /dev/sdx5 instead of /dev/sdx2 or do i need to fully reinstall macOS ?

Author: @Giofreestyle_