Making my PC boot OC picker by default

So I currently have a dual-boot setup with both Windows and MacOS, each on its own drive with its own EFI partition. When I turn on my PC, it boots into Windows right away as if MacOS doesn't exist. Whenever I want to boot into Mac I have to press the Esc key at startup and manually select the MacOS drive, and only then do I have the option to select between Windows/Mac.

I would like to make my PC boot into the OC picker by default so I have the option to choose between the 2 OSes every time I reboot. The problem is that I am unable to change the boot priority in BIOS as the MacOS drive isn't even on the list.

I have tried:

  1. Manually setting OpenCore.efi as default efi using bcdedit, but that doesn't change anything and it just keeps booting into Windows like normal.
  2. Moving the Mac EFI onto the windows EFI partition and renaming the "Microsoft" folder to something else (essentially hiding it), and then manually entering the Windows boot path under BlessOverride in my config.plist. That worked in making OC the default bootloader, but trying to boot Windows from there causes BSOD. Mac boots fine, though.

I am currently out of ideas and don't know what to try next. Ideas are appreciated :) Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/AerosolSpray
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