Hi, I'm struggling with a laptop I bought only for Hackintosh . It's a Dell G3 3500 with an i7 10th gen 10750h, GPU is a GTX 1660Ti
Following OpenCore guide so far I got Ventura installed Success fully, booting and in my language so I was quite happy with that.
A lot of things are working : Keyboard, wifi, speakers, trackpad (without gesture) but the biggest issue is with the USB Mapping. I cannot get this machine to Map USB.
Here is the steps I tried : - Booting with no Kext regarding USB only SSDT USBX : boots right away, internal PCIE Line detected only (it does detect my 2nd windows NVME and mount it) - Booting with USBInjectAll.kext : VERY long booting Time, USB ports are detected when I try through Hackintool (2nd nvme not detected not mounted)
Then whenever I try to create a specific USB Map either with Hackintool, USBMaptool or USBToolbox on Windows everytime I get a VERY long Time boot and ports are not working. I am left with no solution at all, that's why I'm asking the community

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