How do I go about troubleshooting OS freezes?

Hi all, I've recently built a new iMac Hackintosh and everything seemed to work well for a while, but recently I've been having stability/freezing issues whilst using macOS (Monterey). It's quite random but I've picked up on one semi-regular pattern: When shutting down/restarting, more often than not macOS will close all applications then simply hang right before shutdown (the macOS desktop background) and will stay there forever until I kill it. Other times and at random points whilst using macOS the system will simply hang - nothing works, no mouse, no keyboard, and display is frozen. Then I need to kill it. The error report I get following reboot says the following:

panic(cpu 8 caller 0xffffff8000dd0773): Kernel trap at 0xffffff8000d6c6c9, type 14=page fault

I don't know if this means anything, but I'd like to try troubleshooting this issue but I don't know where to start. I couldn't find anything in the Dortania guide about post-install random freezes. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

My system: MSI B560M (Rocket Lake), 10th Gen Core i5 10400, iGPU headless, MSI Radeon RX460.

submitted by /u/IsamBitar
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