Hello! I just bought a PC with the only purpose of turning it into a Hackintosh Monterey and, guess what, it's my first time. Well, let's begin. First of all, my build:
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 which is Ivy Bridge
GPU: I plan to use the my GPU because there's no display port in my motherboard so it would be RogStrix GTX 1060 6gb OC. I know that my GPU is not supported since High Sierra , can I use it for the purpose of display only?
RAM: HyperX Fury 2x8gb located in the 2 slots next to the CPU
Motherboard/Desktop model: Asus Sabertooth P67
Bios Brand: American Megatrends Inc.
Ethernet Card: Realtek 8821CU, but I plan to use a Wireless USB Card
What files/config I am using: https://drive.google.com/drive@1/folders/1rJAyrP8Ng1k7ZOZMaiMfMZWkR0xeLDEj?fbclid=IwAR07UUe9TaSRoLbtbsb8WMHYBNGdEoPjle5Bpxdzy6nqOikpyZ724vreRJc
I started following the guide and all went well during the preparation of the USB drive and boot the USB and I'm stuck at at the end reports a common " [EB|#LOG:EXITBS:START] " error. See the picture in this error https://ibb.co/Tc9dn00
When I'm checking in the Dortania 's guide there's a guide for troubleshooting in [EB|#LOG:EXITBS:START] and I see about this section.
If your firmware supports MATs:
Enable both RebuildAppleMemoryMap
and SyncRuntimePermissions
then disable EnableWriteUnprotector.
Actually it says that MAT is supported only in newer firmwares but I assumes that I do have MAT so I changed it.
Again after I boot the USB I'm just pass in the error but there's another error which is stuck in this " ** In Memory Panic Stackshot Succeedd ** ". See the picture in this error https://ibb.co/6rK4qPg
I don't know now to fix this error. I'm stuck this for almost a 2 weeks
Here's my EFI and Log file that uploaded to my drive. I already shared to public so that everyone can access.
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